Best EMF Blankets For 2021 [Our Reviews and Comparisons] – EMF Risks

emf blanket

Best EMF Blankets for 2025 – Our Reviews and Comparisons

emf blanket

Electromagnetic frequency (EMF) blankets are versatile shielding that can be used in a variety of applications to block radiofrequency radiation. They can cover you while you sleep, can be placed on your lap while using your laptop or tablet, and can also be used to protect children from EMF exposure.

Sources of EMF in your environment are varied and include WiFi routers (both for your computers and your smart television), Bluetooth devices, cellular phones, and other radio devices. Outside your home, EMF sources include microwave emitters, radio transmitters, television transmitters, and cellular communications towers.

Beyond these more obvious sources of EMF, microelectronics and faulty wiring in your home are also sources of EMF radiation. Some of these sources of EMF can be blocked with appropriate shielding materials to reduce your overall exposure.

EMF exposure is presently an underappreciated health issue which will only become apparent over time since much of the technology we are talking about here is somewhat new. At this time in history, it is a fact that human beings have never been exposed to radiofrequency energies at the levels or breadth of bandwidth currently in the environment.

Since it is a new phenomenon, we really have no clue as to what the long-term effects on human health will ultimately look like. Precautions taken now may save you from the negative effects of constant EMF exposure in the future.

Besides putting shielding around all these various devices in your home, personal protection garments and blankets are also extremely useful additions to the strategy of reducing your EMF exposure. Before we launch into a review of our picks for the best EMF blanket materials and products, let us discuss what exactly is EMF radiation.

EMF Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation describes energy emissions in the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum spans all the energies which exist in the universe.

On one end of the spectrum, you have very low-frequency waves in and below the radio bands. Slightly higher frequency waves are in the infrared band, just beyond the range of visible light for humans, and are what we characterize as heat from most heat sources.

Visible light sits somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, progressing through higher frequency energies outside the visible range in the ultraviolet, microwave, x-ray, and gamma-ray bands.

All of these sources of energy consist of emitted photons, just like the light you are seeing right now. They differ only in their frequency.

Although described as radiation, it is not what most people think of as radiation which is ionizing radiation.

Ionizing radiation, which is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically comes from radioactive material sources and consists of high energies and high-frequency waves. These energies are termed ionizing because they have the ability to break chemical bonds and ionize or transform atoms to a charged state by stripping away or donating electrons.

What we term EMF radiation, although it can also be dangerous, is non-ionizing radiation in that it cannot break chemical bonds under normal emission energies. This is not to say that high-intensity radio waves cannot cause chemical changes, but those would only be experienced if you were standing on top of a radio tower next to the transmitter while it is on.

EMF energies consist of two main components. They consist of electric fields, which result from a difference in voltage (potential) between two sources of charge, just like in an electrical circuit.

The larger the difference between the two sources of charge, the greater the electric field.

EMF sources also consist of magnetic fields. These are produced from the flow of current, which is a flow of positive charge, between two sources of charge (one positive and one negative).

The stronger the flow of current, the stronger the magnetic field. Electromagnetic fields incorporate both of these features, electric fields, and magnetic fields, and can be transmitted through materials or through the air, depending upon the type and intensity of the field.

We describe the features of electromagnetic fields in several ways, by frequency (how often energy pulses are emitted) and by wavelength (the distance between pulses of energy).

Read Related Article: EMF Protection

Comparison Table

2. SYB Baby Blanket

  • Soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Hypoallergenic
Check Price
1. Radia Smart Organic Protective Belly Pregnancy Blanket

  • Very soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Good shielding range
Check Price
3. VEST Radiation Protection Baby Blanket

  • Soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Comes in two colors
Check Price
4. Armshield Anti-Radiation Baby Blanket

  • Soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Comes in two color schemes
Check Price
5. Amradield Faraday Fabric

  • Military-grade material
  • Broad frequency coverage
  • Good signal attenuation
Check Price

Facts About EMF Blankets You Should Know

Harmful EMF radiation isn’t a matter that you should take lightly. Although researchers are yet to determine the full extent of damage caused by radiation, it certainly is a matter of concern. 

Using an EMF blanket is an easy and proven way to help protect you from harmful radiation. Before buying an EMF blanket, check out these EMF Blanket facts to learn how to use them the right way for better protection. 

1. Your Entire Body Isn’t Protected From Radiation

It’s pretty evident that a blanket alone isn’t enough to cover your entire body. In fact, none of the EMF-proof clothes available on the market provide all-around protection. If you try to cover up your torso, you’ll miss out on your legs, and if you try to cover your legs, you’ll expose your chest. 

When a particular area of your body is protected from radiation while the rest remains exposed, it actually increases the radiation on the uncovered region. So, you’ll need to prioritize which part of your body needs the most protection.

For example, if you’re working while pregnant, you should cover up your belly to protect the baby inside. At that stage, the unborn baby is the most sensitive part of your body.

2. Keep the Fabric Away From Your Skin

The entire purpose of protecting yourself from EMF radiations is defeated when you keep the blanket so close to yourself that it’s in direct contact with your skin. When the blanket touches your skin, it acts as a conductor and increases the radiation emitted to your body. 

Generally, metals like copper, silver and stainless steel are embedded in these blankets to act as reflectors that shield against the harmful radiation approaching your body. However, when they’re kept in direct contact with your skin, their conductive nature gains the upper hand, and they act as antennas that transmit the radiation at a larger proportion in your body. 

Therefore, when using an EMF blanket, here are two things that you need to keep in mind: 

  • Use the blanket to cover your body but don’t let it touch your skin
  • Use blankets made of metals that have a lower tendency to conduct

The catch when using poor conductors in the blanket is it also reduces the efficiency of blocking radiation. That’s why it’s important to only opt for EMF blankets made by reputable brands that can strike the right balance.

3. Most EMF Blankets Offer Protection From Two Types of Radiation

EMF is an umbrella term that covers a variety of electromagnetic radiations. However, you should know that most EMF blankets can only combat two types of EMF radiations. These blankets aren’t effective in reflecting magnetic fields. 

It takes a massive amount of metal to prevent magnetic fields from approaching your body, and it’s not feasible to embed a high amount of metal that can prevent magnetic field transmission into a blanket.

On the bright side, these EMF blankets are highly efficient in reflecting electric fields and radiofrequency. Long-term exposure to both of these radiations is very harmful. So, even though it can’t stop magnetic fields, EMF blankets are totally worth it.  

Our Best EMF Blankets Reviews and Comparisons

1. SYB Baby Blanket

Product Highlights

SYB’s Baby Blanket is available in several colors such as blue, pink, grey, or white with polka dots using non-toxic dyes. It is made from hypoallergenic flannel cotton impregnated with silver threads (18%).

SYB claims that the blanket will shield 99% of EMF radiation across the 10 kHz to 2GHz frequency range. The blanket is a generous size (40 x 32 inches), is machine-washable, and is also highly rated by users (5/5 stars on Amazon).


  • Blocks EMF in the 10 KHz to 2 GHz range
  • Machine-washable
  • Comes in four colors

What We Like About Product Name

Its size makes the blanket appropriate for a variety of uses even after pregnancy such as a child’s playtime mat, sleeping blanket, car seat cover, or stroller cover.

What We Don’t Like About Product Name

Home testing by some users with cell phones show no shielding effect. We cannot confirm what EMF meter or method they used.


  • Great size (40 x 32 inches)
  • Soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Hypoallergenic


  • May not block EMF, as reported by some users

2. Radia Smart Organic Protective Belly Pregnancy Blanket

Product Highlights

This versatile blanket is made to be used by pregnant women and also to function as a baby blanket for the newborn. The Radia Smart Protective Pregnancy Blanket is made of a soft organic cotton blend (60% organic cotton, 20% natural colored cotton, 20% polyester) infused with silver threading.

Radia claims the blanket will block 99.9% of EMF radiation in the 10 MHz to 3 GHz frequency range. Shielding effectiveness is rated at approximately 50 dB.


  • Certified to block 99.9% of EMF
  • Machine-washable

What We Like About Radia Smart Organic Protective Belly Pregnancy Blanket

EMF shielding claims have been laboratory tested and certified. The blanket is a generous size (35 x 30 inches), lightweight, machine-washable, and highly rated by users (rated 3.9/5 stars on Amazon).

What We Don’t Like About Radia Smart Organic Protective Belly Pregnancy Blanket

Some users have performed their own EMF tests in-house and found no shielding effect from the blanket. We cannot verify their testing methods.


  • Nice size (35 x 30 inches)
  • Very soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Good shielding range


  • Some reports blanket does not shield EMF
  • Some users with EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome) do not see improvement using the blanket

3. VEST Radiation Protection Baby Blanket

Product Highlights

The Radiation Protection Baby Blanket by VEST is made with a 100% soft cotton outer shell and a second layer that is a mixture of silver fabric and polyester (50:50).

VEST claims that the blanket will block 99% of EMF, which has been verified by an FCC-certified laboratory.

The blanket is machine washable, is a nice size (35 x 30 inches), comes in blue and pink colors. It is well-favored by users (4.1/5 stars on Amazon).


  • Soft cotton shell (100%)
  • Shielding inner layer (50:50 silver thread:polyester)

What We Like About VEST Radiation Protection Baby Blanket

Many users have done home tests with EMF meters (one used a Trifield 100xe) and found that the blanket stands up to EMF shielding claims.

What We Don’t Like About VEST Radiation Protection Baby Blanket

In contrast to the above, another user tested the blanket with a Trifield EMF meter and found no shielding effect.


  • Soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Comes in two colors: pink or blue


  • Some claims that the blanked does not shield EMF

4. Armshield Anti-Radiation Baby Blanket

Product Highlights

Armshield Anti-Radiation Baby Blanket is a blanket made with shielding of 100% pure silver that will block 99.9% of EMF in the 10 MHz to 8GHz frequency range. The blanket achieves shielding effectiveness of 50 dB.

It comes in pink or grey stripes and is made from a mixture of cotton and silver thread using their proprietary Baby-Shield technology. It is very favored by users (4/5 stars on Amazon) and is machine-washable.


  • Blocks 99% of EMF in 10 MHz to 8 GHz range
  • Comes in two colors: pink stripes or grey stripes

What We Like About Armshield Anti-Radiation Baby Blanket

Good reviews from users who use the blanket on their lap while using a tablet or laptop. It definitely cuts the heat.

What We Don’t Like About Armshield Anti-Radiation Baby Blanket

Users performing EMF testing report no EMF shielding from the blanket


  • Soft
  • Machine-washable
  • Comes in two color schemes
  • Generous size (35 x 30 inches)


  • Some reports claim no shielding

5. Amradield Faraday Fabric

Product Highlights

Faraday Fabric by Amradield is a military-grade shielding fabric that may seem not so soft and cuddly as the blankets listed above. However, it can be used to make baby blankets, maternity blankets, or anything else you fancy.

It comes in a 43-inch bolt of fabric in lengths of 39, 78, or 197 inches. Signal attenuation averages about 85 dB in the 30 MHz to 18 GHz band, the broadest coverage range we have reviewed.

Made from a proprietary fabric comprised of a copper-nickel-polyester blend woven in a diamond-shaped weave. This fabric is well-favored by users (rated 4/5 stars on Amazon) and is a very adaptable product, appropriate for use in making blankets, bags, curtains, tents, or for general shielding applications around electrical equipment or microelectronics.


  • Comes in fabric bolts (special order for continuous length bolts)
  • High grade shielding

What We Like About Amradield Faraday Fabric

Works very well. One user was able to completely block his WiFi router as a test. Another ran a test with his car key to disrupt the connection.

What We Don’t Like About Product Name

In-home testing by some users with EMF meters could not demonstrate any shielding effect. The fabric failed to shield cell phone transmissions.


  • Military-grade material
  • Very broad frequency coverage
  • Very good signal attenuation


  • Some reports as ineffective from users performing home tests

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